Understand Myself
Over 600,000 tests completed worldwide
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson,
Lead Researcher
Based on the Big Five Aspects scale, Understand Myself is a 100-question (~15 minute) assessment that provides a comprehensive view of your personality in comparison to a proprietary sample of 10,000 people ranging in age, race, sex, and background.
After completing the test, you are given an individual percentile ranking across 15 traits to help you better understand your strengths and how to mitigate negative emotions that may predispose you to depression or anxiety.
Developed by a team of world-class psychologists led by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, the Understand Myself personality report provides a multidimensional view of your beliefs and aspirations to help you thrive in an ever-changing world.
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has a B.S. from the University of Alberta and a Ph.D. from McGill University. He previously served as a professor at Harvard University and the University of Toronto.
As of late, he has authored three books: Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief (1999), 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018), and Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life (2021). His YouTube channel has reached 4.8 million subscribers and presents more than 200 lectures on psychological and philosophical topics amassing more than 350 million views.
We provide self-assessments for the individual, solutions for couples looking to expand their relationship, and bulk options for gifts. Keep in mind, users are only allowed to complete the assessment once so take your time to ensure beneficial results.