Here you can find further discussion of the details of the personality assessment process and the reports by Dr. Peterson, as well as spontaneous customer reviews from YouTube broadcasters.
Dr. Peterson on Understand Myself and Self Authoring - with Steve Hilton.
YouTube broadcaster Zuby Music reviews his personality results for all to see (or hear). He's very conscientious and resistant to stress (the opposite of neuroticism). Look carefully at the background of his studio: everything is neatly arranged, and the posters on the wall are perfectly level and symmetrical, reflecting his orderliness. His extraverted, emotionally stable nature is evident in his continual smile.
YouTuber CRITICAL CONDITION took the test itself, live, sharing her spontaneous thoughts as she completed the full set of 100 questions. She briefly and clearly reviews the results. She's very high in agreeableness (exceptionally compassionate and very polite) and in openness to experience, which makes her far more creative and interested in ideas than the typical person...
We hope that these videos have proved engaging and informative, and will post others as they become available.